Planning ahead for the challenges of surgery and recovery will help ensure a more successful outcome.
Shoulder replacement can help relieve pain and enable you to live a fuller, more active life. If you are deemed a good candidate for shoulder replacement and decide to have surgery, it is good to be prepared, both mentally and physically before surgery. Planning ahead for the challenges of surgery and recovery will help ensure a more successful outcome.
To help expedite the check-in process for your appointment, we would ask that you please print and complete the following forms and bring them with you to your appointment. If you have any questions, please call our office at (801) 355-6468, we’re happy to help. Thank you!
Please see the pre-surgery packet for more detailed information.
Please arrange for a post-operative appointment with Dr. Hofmann or the Physician Assistant for follow-up 2-3 days post-op for additional instructions and schedule your PT to begin at 14 days postoperatively.
Please keep in mind this schedule/protocol is patient-dependent. Your timeline may be altered to assure appropriate progressions through rehab. Should you have any questions please feel free to call the office at (801) 355-6468.
PROM is NOT stretching. PROM for all patients having undergone a TSA/HHR should be defined as ROM that is provided by an external source (therapist, instructed family member, or other qualified personnel) with the intent to gain ROM without placing undue stress on either soft tissue structures and/or the surgical repair.
ATTENTION: DO NOT produce undue stress on the anterior joint capsule, particularly with the shoulder in extension)
If the patient has not reached the below ROM, forceful stretching and mobilization/manipulation are not indicated. Continue gradual ROM and gentle mobilization (i.e. Grade I oscillations), while respecting soft tissue constraints.
Not to begin before 4-6 Weeks post-surgery to allow for appropriate soft tissue healing.
Progress scapular strengthening exercises.
If the patient has not reached the below ROM, forceful stretching and mobilization/manipulation is not indicated. Continue gradual ROM and gentle mobilization (i.e. Grade I oscillations), while respecting soft tissue constraints.
Not to begin before 6 Weeks post-surgery to allow for appropriate soft tissue healing and to ensure adequate ROM.
If the patient has not reached the below ROM, forceful stretching and mobilization/manipulation is not indicated. Continue gradual ROM and gentle mobilization (i.e. Grade I oscillations), while respecting soft tissue constraints.
NOTE: (If above ROM are not met then patient is ready to progress if their ROM is consistent with outcomes for patients with the given underlying pathology).
Not to begin before 12 Weeks to allow for appropriate soft tissue healing and to ensure adequate ROM, and initial strength.
Typically the patient is on a home exercise program by this point to be performed 3-4 times per
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